
Forest Environmental Management 153 items

Showy, ground hugging perennial herb. Cultivars are found in the horticultural trade as a ground cover and used for color accents. Most stems recline along the ...
This newsletter presents the 1996 Conservation Use tables of values as developed by the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR).
The ecological, biological and social values of wetlands are being altered rapidly in today's world. Over the past two centuries wetlands have been changed ...
Goldline darters are slender, medium-sized fish about 3 inches long (7.6 cm) that exhibit sexual and seasonal differences in coloration. In the spring and ...
Perennial, insect-trapping wetland plant. Leaves are spreading, flattened, sickle- shaped, about 5 - 15 centimeters (2 - 6 in) long and 1 - 2 centimeters (0.4 ...
The long-lived green sea turtle weighs up to 850 pounds (382.5 kg), but anything more than 450 pounds (202.5 kg) is unusual today. The shell is heart-shaped, ...
Perennial, multi-branched about 50-80 centimeters (20-32 in) tall. Reddish-brown stem is covered by dense silvery-white hairs. Leathery leaves are nearly round ...
Found on and around wet sand bars, shoals, seeps, fast-flowing clear rocky streams, wet savanna meadows, shallow depressions in flatwoods, shallow pineland ...
The hawksbill turtle's shell is covered with glossy brown and tan overlapping scutes, or horny plates. It reaches 2 feet (65 cm) long and weighs an average of ...
This publication will provide you with a brief look at freshwater mussels -- what they look like, where they live, what they eat, why they are valuable, how ...
Minimizing polluted runoff from your landscape as well as reusing rain water will not "just happen." It requires planning and some knowledge of plants and ...
Home lawns and landscapes may contribute to the water pollution when homeowners apply pesticides and fertilizers carelessly. By using pesticides and ...
Each month, five forecasts are issued for each forecast point and each forecast period. Unless otherwise specified, all streamflow forecasts are for streamflow ...
Several decisions must be made before an irrigation system is installed in a field. Some determinations are technical in nature, some economic, and others ...
Levels and specific composition of dissolved mineral substances in water for irrigation affect crop productivity and soil structure, and determine suitability ...
At 19.5 inches (50 cm), the ivory-billed woodpecker is the largest of the North American woodpeckers -- about the size of a crow. A red crest marks the male; ...
This website answers all of the who, what, where, how, and why watershed management questions.
This publication contains the preliminary results of a study performed to provide information on non-point source pollution issues as they relate to timber ...
Kirtland's warbler is the only gray-backed warbler in the eastern United States that wags its tail. This small songbird is about 4.75 inches long (12 cm) with ...
Keeping lands planted in trees will reduce soil erosion while increasing the future supply of timber in Georgia.
This publication provides general information and management guidelines to help stream property owners and their neighbors protect, improve, and restore these ...
Gardeners can plan their landscapes to produce less yard waste and use what is produced around their homes to enhance yards, gardens, and soil. This ...
Through the generations, changing environments cause some living things to flourish, some to linger on the edge of existence, and others to no longer survive. ...
The leatherback lives in the open ocean out to the edge of the continental shelf. Although this species has been found to nest on the Georgia coast, it is most ...
Loblolly Pine: The Ecology and Culture of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) highlights individual tree, stand, and land management alternatives useful to resource ...
A large-headed turtle with an elongated, heart-shaped shell, the loggerhead has a reddish-brown to brown upper side and yellow to cream underside. Loggerheads ...
The greater longleaf pine ecosystem once occupied over 90 million acres from southeastern Virginia, south to central Florida, and west to eastern Texas. Today ...
The direct or indirect source of water for irrigation, power, industry, domestic use, navigation, and recreation comes from water falling over and flowing down ...
This publication discusses various wetland topics such as economic functions, restoration, and management.
Aquatic plant 3-8 centimeters (1.2-3.2in) tall that reproduces by spores. Has five to 10 pointed, stiff and needle-like leaves, about 5-7 centimeters (2-2.8 ...
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